The Occasional Occurence

Life Rundown

February 13, 2008 at 02:41 AM | categories: Family, General

This blog has probably been pretty boring lately for those of you who aren't interested in my technical musings. The main reason for that is because there has been too much junk going on for us these days. I kind of had two options:

  1. Whine about our problems.
  2. Sugar coat our problems.

Ok, so I probably had more options than that, but I think I would have gravitated toward one of those two things.

In the spirit of not doing either of those things, here is a cold, bulleted list of some of the junk from the past few months so that those of you who are interested but not in the know can be more so in the know. In no particular order:

  • Moving
  • Death in the family
  • Having two houses (and two mortgages!)
  • Broken bones
  • All of a sudden having to make our house handicap accessible for my mother-in-law
  • Our 1 year-old turning 2 and taking it seriously

Ok, there you have it. Maybe now that that is out there I can get on with some more normal life-update sort of posts. We'll see.
