The Occasional Occurence

Lazy or Impatient?

May 25, 2005 at 07:24 PM | categories: Python, work

Man, I really enjoy programming in Python. I mean, it is really fun. Like digital Play-Doh.

I took an idea from, um, idea to socket-based networked client application with IP based security in one afternoon. Then, I continued with the idea and made a socket-based networked controller application that reads its configuration data from XML files in a few more hours. I have never written an app that uses XML config files before. By the way, this is all cross platform - Windows, MacOS, *nix.

This afternoon, I took it a step further and created a new version of the client that runs as a Windows service. Yep. It can be started/stopped from the Control Panel and logs messages to the system's Application Log. Oh yeah, I have never written a Windows service before.

So yeah, for the lazy/impatient programmer, Python rocks.
