The Occasional Occurence

Early Riser - Day 1

January 16, 2006 at 06:39 AM | categories: my faith, Family, General

Well, I set out purposely last night to be an early riser this morning, and it has worked for the most part.

The idea is that hopefully I will have more time to do things like have devotion and prayer time, respond more promptly to email, write blog entries, do other stuff, etc.

I got up promptly at 5 AM. I had breakfast, read a short devotion and had some prayer time. I began responding to some emails, and then I heard it...

...the rattle of a door handle at the other side of the house. Then, the off-beat rhythm of too-early-up toddler feet. My cover was blown.

And here I sit, after preparing him a breakfast, getting him Nemo underpants and, now, I am told by him, a completely unacceptable shirt, trying frantically to finish this thought.


I need to be quieter tomorrow, I suppose.
