The Occasional Occurence

Buffet 0.9

January 24, 2006 at 08:09 AM | categories: Python, cherrypy, General

Buffet 0.9 has been released.

This release includes a template composition feature provided by Bill Mill. In his words:

It would be nice to have a way to tell buffet to render multiple templates in sequence. For example, "return [(head, {}), (story, {}), (foot, {})]" Would render those three templates in order.

He provided a patch to support that feature, and it is now available for others to use. I love open source.

So ... Buffet is at 0.9 now ... it basically does everything that I originally intended for it to do (and more now). I have received lots of great feedback via email, on #cherrypy and in various mailing lists (thanks to all of you). So what's going to make it 1.0?

Tests and profiling.

For both of those, I plan on making use of Robert Brewer's excellent work in CherryPy. His test stuff is great. I have written a couple tests for CherryPy and it was pretty straight forward. For profiling, I am going to use CherryPy's integrated profiler, but I am going to have to figure out how to profile a filter with it.

Anyhow, this is fun. Python is fun. CherryPy is fun. I have been making use of open source software for years now and it is cool to give back, even in a small way.
