The Occasional Occurence

Rolling Out

May 28, 2006 at 09:14 PM | categories: my faith, Family, General

The moving van is loaded. We are sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Hopefully we have a place to move into on Tuesday.

It has been a roller coaster ride this weekend. Our lender has thrown a hissy fit about problems with the furnace in the new house, even though the seller is replacing it and wanted to escrow the money so we could close on Tuesday. The bank told us 1.5 business days before closing that they weren't going to proceed on the day we had been planning for for a month. Bastards (pardon my French, and if you are French, pardon that expression). ;-)

Our real estate agent worked hard this weekend trying to get the seller to agree to us renting the place until the closing. Things looked bleak yesterday evening and she said it wasn't working out. I called Uhaul to cancel our truck for today, and when I told her that, I think she was a bit surprised. She must have negotiated really hard, because she called back and said we had a deal and could move in. I called Uhaul back up and got a truck again. Whew. The Uhaul guy was really cool about it all and didn't charge us any extra fees or anything.

So there you go. The moral of this story, I think, is that no matter how on the ball you are in life, things can go down the tubes in a hurry. Maybe this was a little wake-up call from God saying; "Hey there Mr. and Mrs. Everything-Under-Control, remember me?" In any event, that was the message we got. I think that is a good thing.
