The Occasional Occurence

Curtis Quote

May 25, 2006 at 10:35 AM | categories: Family, General

Sarah relayed this Curtis quote to me this morning.

I'm going to hit San Diego.

I think that means he's ready for me to come home.


The Countdown

May 14, 2006 at 07:43 PM | categories: my faith, Family, General

Wow. I have only three days left at my current job as Network Administrator at Greenville College. I have been there for 4 1/2 years. It was my first "real" job out of college, and it has been a great place to learn and grow. I am really going to miss everyone in IT and lots of others around campus as well.

There is no doubt I am going to miss the general Greeville experience as well; the dinky little overpriced grocery store where we knew all the checkers, the quiet streets that are great for taking walks, the local newspaper complete with its Ag and NASCAR sections, the local independent FM station with a really good morning show and great old-timey country and bluegrass twice a week.

Change is a good thing though. Time for new experiences and new challenges. This morning in church, our pastor challenged the American cultural notion that pain is bad. He drew examples from the Bible that demonstrate how character is formed from painful experiences. There is sure to be some "pain" from this transition from employee-to-independent-contractor, from utopia-small-town-to-city, from regular-family-unit-to-regular-family-unit-plus-mother-in-law, but along with the "pain" there will be opportunities to grow in character and in faith.

I'm looking forward to the adventure.


Catching My Breath

April 30, 2006 at 08:12 PM | categories: Family, General


Crazy weekend. House shopping in Ohio. Lots of driving. Scary houses. A really nice expensive house that we couldn't afford. One that seemed just about right.

Hopefully this week will bring at least some of the near future into focus. There are so many unknowns with this transition. If I were the type of person that stresses out, I'd be stressing.

But I'm not ;-)


Photo Update

April 24, 2006 at 07:09 PM | categories: photos, Family, General

Ok, I got around to updating my Flickr photos with some family goodness. Here is a sampling...



Family Happenings

March 21, 2006 at 07:59 PM | categories: photos, Family, General

Well, I haven't posted about the fam lately. Hopefully I can pick up the slack with this post.

Sarah is doing well. Her mom is here with us for a couple weeks and she is grateful for the extra set of hands and adult conversation during the days. She has been working hard lining up realtors to come and give us their thoughts on selling our house. We haven't been through this before, so we are trying to get a few opinions.

Curtis is a motor-mouthed little kid. He latches onto new words immediately and uses them in whatever context he cares to. He has had a blast with a visit from my parents a week and a half ago and now with Sarah's mom here. While his grandma is here, he gets to sleep on the top bunk of his bunk bed while grandma gets the bottom bunk. He has been doing really well with that. We had a big snow storm (well, 5 inches overnight) and we had a blast building a snow fort when I got home from work.





Eli is growing like crazy. He dishes out smiles all the time now. 3 months is definitely "over the hump" as far as the tough baby times go. He is almost sleeping through the night. He usually wakes up once for a 1 or 2 A.M. "snack". During the days he is also doing a lot of baby talk ("That's some good baby talk," says Curtis). He can hold his head up pretty well when he wants to now too.




I have been having fun teaching my Intro to Computers class, working with the CherryPy project and dreaming of building a boat (I have a couple books on the subject now!). I have also been applying to various job opportunities in Ohio and haggling with the company that installed our furnace to get a replacement unit installed.

We've only had it for a little over a year and it has crapped out on us a few times this winter. We had to spend a weekend away from home last month when it stopped working entirely. Anyhow, the good news is that they are supposed to be installing the new furnace tomorrow.

So there you have it. A good ol' fashioned family update. Hope you liked it.


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