The Occasional Occurence

My Brother-in-law

February 11, 2006 at 10:13 PM | categories: Family, General

It's so easy to get through life if you like cold ravioli and black coffee.

- Joseph

Family Multimedia Fun

January 21, 2006 at 11:37 AM | categories: Family, General

So, someone *cough*mom*cough has been harping on me to get some pictures of the boys up here. So I'm going to do even better; here are pictures and a video (5 mintutes long, might take a while to download for those of you on dialup).




Early Riser - Day 3

January 18, 2006 at 06:49 AM | categories: Software, computing, Family, General

Man, 3 days in a row awake at 5 AM. Sorry, it's just a personal record, I think.

Curtis joined me again at 6 AM. He's actually been very nice company this morning. He's sat next to me reading books and asking fun questions.

I messed around with a web site yesterday called MyHeritage. Their main draw right now seems to be a facial recognition web application. You can upload a photo and it will find the faces in the photo and compare them with a database of celebrities (or other registered users) and tell you who it thinks you most look like. Pretty interesting idea, at least. And it's one of those snazzy Ajax sites, so you know it has to be cool ;-)

Sometime soon I'm going to have to post something about the VMWare Player. For now, if you are a computer nerd, click that link.


Early Riser - Day 1

January 16, 2006 at 06:39 AM | categories: my faith, Family, General

Well, I set out purposely last night to be an early riser this morning, and it has worked for the most part.

The idea is that hopefully I will have more time to do things like have devotion and prayer time, respond more promptly to email, write blog entries, do other stuff, etc.

I got up promptly at 5 AM. I had breakfast, read a short devotion and had some prayer time. I began responding to some emails, and then I heard it...

...the rattle of a door handle at the other side of the house. Then, the off-beat rhythm of too-early-up toddler feet. My cover was blown.

And here I sit, after preparing him a breakfast, getting him Nemo underpants and, now, I am told by him, a completely unacceptable shirt, trying frantically to finish this thought.


I need to be quieter tomorrow, I suppose.


We found these two roaming our yard...

January 14, 2006 at 08:35 PM | categories: photos, Family, General

.flickr-photo { border: solid 1px #000000; } .flickr-frame { float: left; text-align: center; margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } |img_0| `We found these two roaming our yard... `_, originally uploaded by `dowski `_.

Curtis and I built, err... "found" ...a few freakish snowmen in our front yard today. We turned them loose on passersby once we were done riling them up.

Anyhow, it was 61 degrees fahrenheit on Thursday and then Friday brought about 3-4 inches of wet, packy snow. Perfect for this sort of fun.


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